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Green Paper Structures

About Us

For seventeen years groups of pastoral and lay leaders throughout North America have intentionally gathered for empowerment and encouragement through Churches Learning Change. From our beginning, we have embraced a different approach to leadership development and communal renewal.


Instead of supposed quick-fixes or plug-and-play programming, we know that God's Design is best discovered by getting- and staying- curious as a communities about God, ourselves, and our contexts. CLC's commitment to asking the right questions through teaching material, coaching sessions, guided personal reflection and group meetings, leads participant-practitioners to discover afresh for themselves God's Design and activity in the midst of their lives and ministries. Our participant-driven approach allows faithfulness to flourish, no matter their denomination or theological affiliation.


But discerning God's Design is only part of the journey. The practice of living and leading congregations by God's Design requires adaptive leadership skills and a wholehearted life expressing the biblical values of love, authenticity, curiosity, courage, and integrity. CLC's process integrates skill-building, spiritual growth, theological and practical learning and praxis, and creates safe but challenging spaces that imbibe hope, playfulness and transformed communities.


Every member of the CLC team, from the people you'll learn from to the coaches who will walk beside you, are active practitioners like you. We're all still learning and experimenting, adding and reshaping our curriculum as we stay committed to pursuing God's Design for transformation. We not only practice what we preach, we know what it's like to be in your shoes but won't tell you what to do!

Join the hundreds of church leaders who have already discovered the joy of living and leading by God's Design.

Our Team

Along with a strong team of CLC Coaches and volunteer teacher-practitioners, a core staff serves Churches Learning Change from across North America.

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